Sleep Out 2022
Our 2022 SLEEP OUT on Thursday, November 17th promises to be a very special night for young people in our region! Our goal is to recruit 225 Sleepers and raise $650,000 to support young people overcoming homelessness and…

"Due to the Coronavirus, I am working twelve hour shifts, six days a week (at University Medical Center). I’m not afraid. This is my job and I love it."

Trusting in God’s Love & Mercy
The first shoe to drop for the vast majority of our kids was their employment – over 85% lost their jobs this week. I know so many of our family and friends find themselves in the same predicament.

Sleep Out 2019: Reflections on Grace
For the second year in a row, I was honored to participate in the annual Sleep Out for Covenant House. Two hundred and thirty sleepers raised over $623,000! With the support of my family and friends, I raised $6,000 for the homeless youth of my city.

Sleep Out: 11-15-18
Our 7th annual SLEEP OUT on Thursday, November 15th will once again be a very special evening. We're honored that Martha Landrum has volunteered to chair this year's event.
Last year, 165 sleepers raised $465,000…

SHELTER Documentary
From VICE Documentary Films, executive producer Michael K. Williams (The Wire) and the Peabody award-winning Renaud Brothers, SHELTER is a powerful documentary filmed with unfettered access over the course of one year at Covenant House.…

Peace in 2021
What if we all simply prayed more, and listened more, and loved more, and ultimately respected more? . . . With God’s grace, each of us can be peacemakers to our fractured world.

Beacon of Hope
In these faith-testing times, if a child of poverty, homeless, with absolutely nothing to her name can choose to be a beacon of hope, how could I fail to make the same choice?

Tribute to John Lewis
Despite all the brutal violence that he endured in his fight for justice and equality, John Lewis believed in the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Covid-19: 4-month Update
"Maybe we should expect to see more than 250 young people at our door… 275 or even 300? How many youth and children will be with us on Christmas Eve?"

Listening to God
As I prayed this morning, I asked God: "What are you calling me to do today?" Often, the “stuff” of the day – and my own humanness – blocks out my ability to hear God answer. Today, however, I sensed God was calling me to listen.

"Miss Archie, Miss Melba and Mr. Steve helped me to heal. They helped launch me on a new path. It was the first time in my life I was truly proud of myself. . . I came back to work at Covenant House, believing I could reach these young women."

A Path to Peace
“The stay-at-home order gave me a lot of time to reflect – and to meditate and pray... after COVID-19, I want to finish up college. I just want to be a good mother. Jasmine’s happiness is my number one goal. I want her light to shine on others.”

Prayer of St. Francis
Over the years, I have read the Prayer of St. Francis thousands of times. What, however, is God calling me to do TODAY, and the weeks and months ahead in the midst of this pandemic?

Surrounded by Grace
In our coronavirus world, we continually experience grace in action. Every day, we are blessed to witness so many simple acts of kindness and generosity.