April 14, 2020: MASKS
Our youth and children, despite the masks, still radiate goodness and beauty.
They are easy to love (most of the time).
Oh, how I wish our young people could “stay-at-home.” We will, however, continue each day to feed and shelter them, and to love each one unconditionally like our own.
The masks we are all wearing often hide personal feelings of fear.
For our (187) residents, there is a mixture of anger, frustration, boredom, denial, despair. . . For them, and our own children and grandchildren, we often put on a good face.
Yet there are days we find ourselves growing weary. We know this is a long journey. We are taught to take one day at a time – to live in the present moment. Hard to practice before the pandemic, even harder now.
So we pray. And we trust. And we believe in a God of love and mercy. Please continue to pray for our youth and young families – that their eyes will continue to shine out from behind their masks.
Be assured of our prayers for you, those who love you, and all those you love.
“Encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing.” Thessalonians 5:11

A Covenant House resident poses with his current project, a tribute to front line workers.